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Scented Clean Air Freshener

To foster an environment that resembles a breath of fresh air, use our scented clean air freshener! It was created to eliminate odors without using artificial fragrances or formaldehyde. The clean aroma is generated from 100% Organic Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Tea Tree Essential Oils known to help clear airways and promote easy breathing. It is perfect to use on all fabrics, furniture, and in the air of any room that requires a clean scent.


Ingredients: Distilled Water, Witch Hazel, 100% Organic Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Tea Tree Essential Oils, Epsom Salt Directions: Spray 3 sprays on all fabrics & furniture (mattresses, sofas, chairs), in the air of any room, inside shoes, and on car seats


Size: 8 fl oz

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